YES to …“Battle for Talents”, Popcorn and WAYES Blockbuster

Our “WAYES Blockbuster” stand was very well received by visitors and provided the perfect conversation starter to introduce them to the different business areas of WAYES. While enjoying a fresh bag of popcorn and filling out raffle tickets or even drawing various instant prizes, the dialogue took place in a relaxed atmosphere. Afterwards, of course, we also drew the winners of our main prizes. These included a 15-minute interview with a WAYES partner, job application training with our HR team and a video call with a current intern. Congratulations to all those who will receive an email from us.
Another highlight of the fair was the “Battle for Talents”. Our colleague Felix Dreyer represented WAYES more than worthily in the spontaneous question and answer session. Many thanks for your commitment! And of course a big thank you to the Leuphana University of Lüneburg trade fair team, who accompanied us through the preparations and the day.
And for those who were unfortunately unable to visit us, the following film provides a few impressions.