Rickmers Reismühle GmbH: Subdivision sold

Together with the restructuring experts led by Prof. Dr. Gerrit Hoelzle, Dr. Karl-Friedrich Curtze and Tim Beyer from GÖRG, we were able to successfully implement the sale of the “Convenience Food” division of the long-established Bremen-based company Rickmers Reismühle GmbH. From November 2022, the Pedon Group from Italy will continue the business unit and secure the majority of the associated jobs.
The museum ship Rickmer Rickmers, which lies as a landmark in the port of Hamburg, is still a symbol of the history of the Rickmers shipping company, which came into its own among other things by importing rice and selling it throughout Europe. To expand the business operations, a rice mill was acquired in Bremen in 1870, which henceforth operated under the name Rickmers Reismühle.
As a result of severe distortions in the areas of procurement and logistics, the management was forced to carry out self-administration proceedings in July 2022 under the direction of Prof. Dr. Gerrit Hölzle and Dr. Karl-Friedrich Curtze. In the course of this, Malte Köster of WILLMERKÖSTER was appointed as administrator by the competent local court in Bremen.
The now continued “Convenience Food” division comprises the production of sterilized ready-to-eat rice meals that can be conveniently reheated in the microwave.
The Pedon Group is active as an expert in cereals, pulses and seeds. The company employs 320 people and exports to more than 20 countries worldwide.