Integration of important market indicators
Your company is influenced by numerous factors in the globalised world. A precise overview? Complicated!
WAYES integrates openly accessible market indicators from various sources directly and clearly arranged into LucaNet. You can then focus exclusively on the corresponding effects on your company.
Although the crises of recent years have led to discussions about the retreat of globalisation, one thing is certain: many links in the value chains are global and will remain so: raw materials – from rubber to steel to grain –, consumer goods such as gas and oil, or the logistics of primary products from country to country, continent to continent. At the same time, the company’s warehouse is not the end of the chain: Products are to be processed further, consumers are to be addressed and supplied directly in the course of digitization.
Companies are familiar with their accounting data and know the direct consequences of price changes within their value chain. Nevertheless, there are numerous factors for which the macro level must be used for evaluation.
With the LucaNet extension the following exemplary questions can be answered easily:
- How has the important raw material aluminium developed on the world market in the last three years? Is the price development of poultry similar to the own development in purchasing – or should the existing contract be renegotiated?
- Is the wage development similar to the market so that employees cannot be poached in the medium term for this reason alone?
- Have your own similar products also experienced a price increase of about six percent in the last two years?
- What average electricity price would have to be calculated if the company’s consumption dropped significantly with new machines?
Some of these questions are certainly easier to answer than others. Nevertheless, in many cases key figures are necessary for which research, access, and processing repeatedly require expenditure of time.
We at WAYES are certain that things can be made simpler: we integrate the appropriate indicators directly into the financial performance management software LucaNet. Whether market prices from the World Bank, data from the Federal Statistical Office or other freely accessible indices – direct integration into LucaNet allows you to focus on understanding and including the figures in evaluation and planning.
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