Achimer Stadtbäckerei: 180 jobs saved

Together with the insolvency administrator Dr Hans-Joachim Berner, the WAYES transaction team has found a solution for the insolvent Stadtbäckerei Achim. The majority of the branches will be taken over by other bakery chains – including Bäckerei Meyer Mönchhof, Bäckerei/Konditorei Heinrich von Allwörden, Starke Bäcker and Bäckermeister Haferkamp.
The very high need for renovation – particularly with regard to fire protection – at the production facility at the company headquarters in Achim prevented the sale of the company as a whole. The production facility had to be closed. We are therefore all the more pleased that, as a result of the very detailed and negotiation-intensive investor process, a total of 180 employees will be able to keep their jobs thanks to the sale of the branches.
In addition to the investor process, WAYES supported the insolvency administration in the commercial continuation of the company.
Achimer Stadtbäckerei GmbH & Co. filed for insolvency at the beginning of July 2023. The reasons: sharply increased costs for energy and raw materials as well as the generally difficult industry environment.
Many thanks to everyone involved for the excellent and committed collaboration!